Industry Training

Ready Arc has earned a reputation of excellence in training and testing welders with our industrial clients - and with seasoned welding pros. We know every project, welder, and company is different, so we have custom solutions with built-in expert consultation and oversight every step of the way.

For Companies & Organizations

Saving You Time, Money & Man-Hours

You get one streamlined point of contact here to ensure welder qualifications stay valid and up-to-date. We're all about in-depth consultation and hands-on management for every shutdown, maintenance or other project you have on the horizon.

What does that mean for you?

  • Reduced risk of non-compliance to regulations
  • In-depth review of welders, certifications, expiry dates, and testing/training needs
  • Notification of any possible issues before projects begin
  • Quality control for all testing at Ready Arc including preparation of QW484’s
Ready Arc Training and Testing Metal Test

Industry Certification Program

Built Exactly How You Need It

We recognize the importance of training employees to the highest welding standards, and we have the facilities, experience and know-how to train and certify for virtually any given welding procedure.

Each client and employee has individual needs, and skill levels vary from novice to journeyman. With this in mind, the length and content of our training depend on thorough consultation with you - and individual assessments with your employees when they arrive. Using this strategy, we efficiently train them only in the skills they need, getting them back to work as quickly as possible.

You can expect…

  • Thorough assessments to determine needs, training length and skill levels
  • Training to Canadian Welding Bureau and ASME standards.
  • Training and testing for virtually every welding procedure (SMAW, GTAW, FCAW, GMAW) with any filler materials/coupon type (carbon, stainless, aluminum, chrome alloy, etc…)
  • Professional and timely results and analysis

Individual Welder Training

Get Ahead in Today's Workforce

Having the skills that today’s employers need is your key to success in today’s competitive job market. Ready Arc’s involvement with industry and government means we’re always up-to-date on what employers are looking for.

Our private training options offer you:

  • Flexible, customized training to meet your skill level and industry needs
  • Training and certification to CWB and ASME IX standards
  • Training in the procedure you need to get the job you want...SMAW, GTAW, FCAW, GMAW...with whatever material is required
  • Frequent testing sessions to get you back to work quickly
Student Welding at Ready Arc Training and Testing